Tuesday Sep 13, 2022

Write Sober, Edit Sober with Negesti Kaudo

Negesti Kaudo, author of the debut essay collection RIPE, discusses the art of writing nonfiction; her development as a writer; exploring race, privilege, and the body in on the page; innovative essay structure; embracing work that is uncomfortable; workshop dynamics and etiquette; her job as a Buzzfeed sex toy writer; the joy of writing residencies; and why the popular “write drunk, edit sober” maxim isn’t the best advice for writers.


Find Kaudo on Twitter, Instagram, or at kaudonegesti.squarespace.com.


Writing Residency Resources


Produced by Ohio Center for the Book at Cleveland Public Library and hosted by Laura Maylene Walter. For a transcript of this episode, visit the episode page. To get in touch, email ohiocenterforthebook@cpl.org (put “podcast” in the subject line) or follow us on Twitter or on Facebook.

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